
What is Insurance?
Insurance agrees that under certain circumstances people will transfer risks to a certain premium in order to protect themselves from the economic consequences of incidents of damage and loss of income.

What is insurance time?
The policy is going to be in force. In some of the cumulative life policies, the insurance period is not fixed but has maximum and minimum durations. In some cases, there is a defined insurance period when a contract is signed with the insured person.

What is the Insurer?
The institution that has undertaken to pay compensation in case of incurrence of the insured, insurance holder or the person specified as beneficiary to benefit from the insurance company.

What is Insured?
Life or health expenses are the person covered by the insurance.

What Is Insurance?
It is the person who makes the insurance contract with the insurer and falls under the obligation to pay the premium. The insured person and the insured person may be the same person.

What is the policy?
Insurance policy ; Decisive information about the insured property or can, the start and end dates of the insurance, premiums and guarantees to be paid, etc. written document containing the contract.

What is Prim?
It is the fee paid by the insurance premium. This fee includes the insurance risk, administrative expenses, commissions, profit.

What is a cloaca?
It is a warning note that complies with the general conditions of the policy according to the types of insurance and shows the conditions which should be paid particular attention.

What is the damage?
Insurance Policy It is the condition that the insurer is obliged to pay compensation in the case of the realization of the risk which is included in the general conditions (loss of interest).

What is Actuary?
Insurance mathematician. It standardizes by calculating how much insurance premium should be paid under which conditions for which risk. It means the person who counted in ancient Rome. Every insurance company in our country has to have at least one actuary.
Insurance mathematics is called actuaria.

What is Accumulation Amount (Accumulation Capital)?
Every year the insurer allocates a fund determined by some mathematical methods over the insurance premiums of long-term policies in its portfolio. That is, the amount of accumulated accumulation obtained after legal and technical dismissals are paid by the insured for years, and after interest is paid with technical interest.


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